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Safeguarding Empty Safeguarding

Post by Lesley Williams Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:59 pm

I went to the safeguarding meeting level 3 last wednesday. From this there are a few things Alex and I are going to do.

1. There will be a safeguarding folder with the contact details if you are unsure about what to do with a patient or if you have any concerns about how your problem is being dealt with by social service. This will include the lead paediatircian, the lead nurse and the lead GP (once the GP has been appointed)

2. The folder will contain the referral letters for:-

a. MARAC referall - domestic violence issues
b. Central advice and duty team referral form (although I usually call if I am worried)
c. THe CSE1 referral form - child sexual abuse referral form, which will then instigate a MACSE ( multi agency child sexual exploitation) meeting
c. Team around family referral form - to try and put more support into family environment to prevent a problem getting worse - this is done on a gateway request for services form

3. The folder will also contain :-

a. dometic abuse pathways
b. CHild exploitation referral pathway
c. The female genital mutilation leaflets (to give to patient) and pathway

so if you are unsure what to do you can follow the flow chart

Rememeber all encounters of female genital mutilation must be report through social care if children are within the family or recorded on DATIX if the female does not have to children and is refusign to consent to referral.

4. When ALex is back I am going to look at our oral contraceptive template. We need to ensure we are recording gillick competent for all our <18 years as there has been issues with this at other practices.

5. In order to fulfill the requirment for level 3 training we all have to have done the e modules, attended the safeguarding level 3 update and completed 7 hours of multi agency training. There are courses run by different agnecies on the LSCB website and Alex is going to try and book us onto these ASAP. We then need to update every 3 years.

6. As we have already started doing we are going to regularly discuss our vulnerable adults and children and we now have a register of these people. Alex could you ensure that you do a monthly search for new ones which have been added

7. ALex is going to check that our safeguarding audit has been completed correctly as this is a CQC requirment and we think this was completed by Alice as Alex has not had to fill this out

Remember the LSCB wirral website ahs all the guidleines and advice on there if needed. Also as safeguarding lead please could you keep me up to date with any concerns that you have about a patient

Any problems/queries please let me know

Lesley x

Great safeguarding folder will be very useful

I have done online modules and safeguarding lectures so just need the 7 hoursmulti agency training.Is that not just for the safeguarding lead not heard of any othe GPs doing that?

Do we have to code gillick competent I tend to just write it in comments

See you tomorrow


HIya as long as it is in the note for gillcik competent thats Ok just thought would be good reminder. The additional hours is for everyone not just safeguarding leads according to the update
Lesley x

Lesley Williams

Posts : 32
Join date : 2015-10-27

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Safeguarding Empty Re: Safeguarding

Post by Lesley Williams Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:03 pm

The safeguarding folder is now complete.  This has the following within it:-

1.  The contact details of lead in our area, GP, paediatrician, nurse lead for advice or if you feel that your problem is not being adequately dealt with

2.  Referral forms for:-

a.  MARAC referal - domestic violence issues
b.  Central advice and duty team referral form (although I usually call if I am worried)
c.  THe CSE1 referral form - child sexual abuse referral form, which will then instigate a MACSE ( multi agency child sexual exploitation) meeting
d.   Request for service form for the local safeguarding childrens board.  This allows you to refer to a single agency, team around family and to social services.  You complete different parts of the form depending on where you want to escalate the problem to

3.  Referral pathways for :-

a.  dometic abuse pathways
b.  adult and child safeguarding referral pathways
c.  The female genital mutilation leaflets (to give to patient) and pathway

so if you are unsure what to do you can follow the flow chart

The practice policy for safeguarding is at the front of the folder along with an updated practice list of all the patients on our safeguarding list.  

The meeting this week will go through this list to review these patients.

I have copied this onto the GP forum under safeguarding so any comments please add to this so we can keep a record

Have a look, any suggestions let me know

Lesley x

Lesley Williams

Posts : 32
Join date : 2015-10-27

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